Plastic Footballs

Lets save some room!

I absolutely can not stand plastic bags, so for the most part I go shopping with totes that 1. Carry more groceries in them so I don't have to carry multiple bags, and 2. Relive me of having to scrunch up all the plastic bags into balls and shove them into a bag already spilling over with even more bags. Plastic bags are useful sometimes however, so its a good idea to keep them around and store them properly. Here is what I do:

Lay the bag out flat and fold in half with the handles up.
Fold in half once again to create a "hot dog" style fold. 
Starting with the handle side, fold up and in into the edges on the bag creating a 90 degree angle and continue to fold upwards until you have reached no more room. Once you arrive to the top, fold the remaining bag into itself and tuck into the previous fold. 
You have now created a football fold with a plastic bag!
Continue doing this until all of the plastic bags have been folded. And notice how much cleaner this becomes and so much more efficient for storage purposes.


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